I’m not ready to let summer go yet. I just love having friends over for a braai and a delicious dessert.
This dessert can be made well ahead of time and then fried just before serving or before your guests arrive, leaving you plenty of time to chat and drink your wine.
I buy ready made and frozen spring roll sheets from the supermarket, take them out of the freezer 30 minutes before you use them and keep the covered with a damp cloth while you work.
Cut each chocolate in half lengthwise.
Take a single sheet of spring roll pastry and place it on your work surface like a diamond.
Place the chocolate at the top corner of the pastry.
Fold the left and right-hand side of the pastry to cover the chocolate.
Roll up.
Mix water and flour to form a paste and use to glue the roll.
Place in a freezer proof container and freeze until needed.
Heat oil. I use a wooden spoon to test to see if the oil is hot enough. Place the handle in the oil. Bubbles should form around the oil if it is the correct temperature.
Fry the spring rolls in batches.
Remove from oil and place on kitchen towel.
Serve warm with ice cream or just on their own with caramel sauce.
Cut each chocolate in half lengthwise.
Take a single sheet of spring roll pastry and place it on your work surface like a diamond.
Place the chocolate at the top corner of the pastry.
Fold the left and right-hand side of the pastry to cover the chocolate.
Roll up.
Mix water and flour to form a paste and use to glue the roll.
Place in a freezer proof container and freeze until needed.
Heat oil. I use a wooden spoon to test to see if the oil is hot enough. Place the handle in the oil. Bubbles should form around the oil if it is the correct temperature.
Fry the spring rolls in batches.
Remove from oil and place on kitchen towel.
Serve warm with ice cream or just on their own with caramel sauce.
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